Our Team

Our Team at Garvey-Anderson Chiropractic


Garvey-Anderson Chiropractic is made up of a team of professionals dedicated to providing the best quality healthcare in a responsive and caring environment. Our chiropractor is Board certified with years of experience in the profession. He works in concert with office staff who try to understand your health issues quickly and apply the right treatment to get you back to your optimal health.

But first, a few words about CHIROPRACTIC from Dr. Anderson:

Dear Patient,

I want to formally invite you to experience the JOY of chiropractic!

And, I want you to know...

#1. Chiropractic is SAFE! ... both for adults and children.
Don't take my word for it, take the insurance companies word for it. Chiropractors enjoy the least expensive malpractice insurance of any doctor. The insurance business is not known for playing games, so premiums speak volumes about how safe a particular field of business or medicine is.

#2. Every doctor is different!
If in the past you have had more pain walking out of a chiropractic appointment than walking in, it may be time to seek out a different chiropractor. My main goal is to ensure patients are feeling better walking out of my clinic than when they walked in. I try to be as thorough as possible while also being as gentle as possible yet as effective as possible.

In my own words, "the ultimate goal of chiropractic is to provide ongoing natural pain relief and better health by reprogramming your body to be more relaxed." This is a process that takes time and repetition...

"In my personal clinical experience I have observed "the body has a long-term memory such as sleeping, eating, elimination and yes, PAIN cycles. And what I've observed is it also has a memory of how to carry itself (aka posture). Just like eating habits and sleep, these cycles were established at a very young age. Traumas, toxins and daily stresses add up over the years and the result is plain and simple-- PAIN! Car accident patients especially display the lasting effects of a 'flight or fight', high stress body state that is difficult to transition out of. Luckily, Chiropractic works!!!"

"For a first time chiropractic patient, it is typical for one of my adjustments to give much needed relief for about 1 week. After this the longterm memory of the body will cause it to tighten up again so that another adjustment will be necessary to remind it to relax again. This is especially true for those who have had chronic musculoskeletal pain for years."

Positive results from chiropractic will depend on many variables, but generally speaking the biggest factors are pain chronicity and age. Complicating factors such as advanced age, osteoporosis, scoliosis (spinal curvatures), pinched nerves (aka disc bulges or herniations), diabetes, repetitive injuries, history of traumas (car accidents, slips and falls, work injuries), poor sleeping posture or a heavy physical labor job-- any of these will mean more frequent visits are necessary. We let pain be our guide. Clinically we see pain gently reducing down a gradual slope as patients attend their regular appointments.

My patients ​​have personally experienced the following benefits with chiropracic care: better movement, pain reduction or elimination, preventative pain relief (or staying pain-free longer), better sleep, stress reduction, better digestion, less reliance on harsh medications, fuller breaths and relief of displaced body extremities: ribs, shoulders, wrists, hands, knees, ankles and feet.

Beyond the relief of joints and muscular pain, the specific treatment goals of chiropractic are five-fold: (1) realignment of displaced vertebral (and extremity) joints, (2) relief of irritated or compressed nerves, (3) restoration of improper muscle function, (4) relief to bulging or herniated discs (chiropractic is safe and effective on bulging discs), and (5) restoration of movement to arthritic joints or areas of spinal decay. Remember, in a typical body osteoarthritis is normal with age and usage. It is normal for aches and pains to increase as we age.

Think of chiropractic as a "TUNE UP for your body." So if your body is running rough, then consider getting it tuned up from time-to-time! And although you may not be in a pain cycle currently, getting an adjustment will help keep it out of pain longer-- it's preventative!

In Health,
Dr. Anderson, BA, DC

Our Staff

Dr. Jereme Anderson

Dr. Jereme Anderson, B.A., D.C.

Board-Certified Doctor of Chiropractic, CA State
DOT Certified Medical Examiner

Palmer College of Chiropractic West, San Jose, CA with High Honors
BYU, Provo, UT; BA Chinese & BA International Relations
Ulan Nutritional Systems, Clearwater, FL, Professional Level Clinical Training Graduate

  • Dr. Anderson has chosen Chiropractic ON PURPOSE because he has a passion for both holistic health and helping people
  • His goal is to assist as many people per day as he can and for everyone to have access to natural healthcare equally
  • He believes each person is special and worthy of pain relief, healing, a listening ear and a smile
  • He also believes laughter can be healing and to not sweat the small stuff (and from a certain point of view its all small stuff)


Dr. Anderson became a partner at Garvey-Anderson Chiropractic in Merced, CA in 2018. He has previously practiced in Cupertino and Modesto, CA.

​​​​​​​Dr. Anderson's chiropractic technique has been described as gentle, effective and more thorough than other doctors. His adjusting style is based on how he personally prefers to be adjusted--feeling better when you walk out of the clinic than when you came in. Dr. Anderson has also received advanced training in nutrition. He also speaks Mandarin Chinese and Spanish.

In years past Dr. Anderson suffered from debilitating migraine headaches. He noticed the headaches seemed to always come at the worst times. Luckily he was able to find relief through a friend and Chiropractor. He noticed the relief was immediate and obviously the result of the adjustment. This powerful experience, along with a keen interest in the human body and a desire to help others was what drew Dr. Anderson to become a Doctor of Chiropractic.

Although he is able to adjust any part of the body, his specialty is adjusting the neck (upper cervical) where one may experience natural and lasting migraine headache pain relief. In his experience, not every Chiropractor is able to perform the very specific adjustments needed to alleviate stubborn migraine headaches. Some of his other techniques include extremity adjusting (hands, feet, etc.), muscle release and personalized nutrition protocols. He considers each patient as a unique individual with their own variables instead of the traditional medical practice of placing patients in groups. He prides himself on being able to release the buildup of stress and stored tension in taut and painful muscles in every part of the body.

He often attracts patients who see him as their last resort having already exhausted the typical medical route (as well as other Chiropractors) and yet their conditions persists. He has had great success with patients who have a strong interest in change. Through this desire, he is able to lead them back to the basics of health. He often finds the natural benefits to his nutrition program is weight loss, improved diet. The list of benefits from chiropractic is pretty long (listed previously) with better movement and the overall goal of staying pain-free as top benefits.

He wants to remind all that Chiropractic is preventative! He says, "if your body is like a vehicle, then there is really no need to wait until it is stuck in the ditch of pain (and disease). It takes so much more effort (and expense) to pull it out of the ditch then if you simply adjust your steering back onto the road of health."

His philosophy is identical to Chiropractic's founding philosophy: the human body is highly intelligent and able to heal on its own if allowed to do so given enough time, avoidance of the cause of the dis-ease, proper nutrition and consistent chiropractic care. Every part of the body is ALIVE and able to change ... for better or worse (til death do you part).

Dr. Anderson's Chiropractic Specialties:
-Personal Injury Rehabilitation
-Migraine Headache Allieviation
-Pain Relief in All Extremities
-TMJ Pain Relief (jaw)
​​​​​​​-Chiropractic Pediatrics (newborns on up: for cholic, ear aches, eating, sleeping & behavioral problems)
-Nutrition Response Testing (getting to the real source of the problem)

Additional Training and Education:

-Physiotherapy Board Certified, National Board of Chiropractic Examiners
-International College of Applied Kinesiology (AK), 100 Hour Certification
-Clinical Rounds Mentorships: Dr. S. Randall Waters, DC; Dr. A. KnustGraichen, DC
-Palmer Diversified Technique
-Sacral-Occipital Technique (SOT)
-Thompson Drop Technique
-Cox Flexion-Distraction
-Activator Technique
-Gonstead Technique
-Cranial-Sacral Technique
-Extremity Adjusting Technique
-TMJ Adjusting Technique
-Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Therapy (IASTT) Technique
-Chiropractic Pediatrics
-Chiropractic Sports, I & II
-Shockwave Technique
-Cold Laser Technique
-Kinesio Taping
-American Heart Association, Health Care Provider CPR/AED Certification
-National Registry Certified Medical Examiners (NCRME): DOT Medical Examiner Training
-Advanced Personal Injury Summit, Shawn Steel Law Firm
-Chiropractic Neurology, Dr. L Adams, DC, DACNB
-Concussion History, Testing & Protocols, Dr. S Eggelston, DC, JD
-Whiplash DDX, Dr. S Eggelston, DC, JD

Affiliations / Memberships:
-American Chiropractic Association (ACA)
-International Chiropractors Association of California (ICAC)
-California Chiropractic Association (CCA)
-International College of Applied Kinesiology (ICAK)

Nutrition Related:
-Nutrition Response Testing, Professional Level Graduate, Ulan Nutritional Systems, Clearwater, FL
-Applied Clinical Nutritionist, National Board Certification Program (ACN)- ongoing training
-Kalish Method, The Kalish Institute
-Functional Blood Chemistry, Kharrazian Institute
-Neurotransmitter and Brain Chemistry Balancing, Kharrazian Institute
-Neuroendocrine Immunology of Environmental Triggers, Kharrazian Institute
-Diabetes and Dysglycemia, Kharrazian Institute
-Mastering the Thyroid, Kharrazian Institute
-Liquid Herb Blending, Dr. Lee Carroll, PhD
-Optimizing Tissue Repair & Regeneration, Dr. Kerry Bone, PhD
-Holistic Support for Immune Challenges
-Supporting Female Reproductive Health, Dr. R Nelson, PhD, MH
-Cycling Protocols, Dr. M Pelz, DC
-Anti-aging, Dr. T Bloomquist, DC
-Inside the Adrenal System, Dr. Mongeon
-Mitochondrial Dysfunction, Dr. S Morris, PhD